Password cracking

Since TAs know a lot about computer security, and against all recommendations, they decided to develop the class's website and its authentication from scratch. The TAs hear a rumor about a leaked password database that got to the students. As the TAs have hashed all passwords with SHA-256 before saving them they claim that the leak is not important because passwords are secure. To reinforce their argument, they make public the student's username/hash database and challenge students to guess the user/pass pairs.

Hint 1:The site only accepts passwords if they only contain printable ASCII characters.

Hint 2:If the username contains "-HARD" you may want to side with TAs ;)

Hint 3: It's not necessary to check password dictionaries which include more than 1 million entries.

Rubbing salt in the wound

After this incident, TAs decided to improve the site's password management. They add a unique salt for each password, and use scrypt, a specifically-designed password hashing algorithm, instead of SHA-256. To show the improved security, they released the new database. Can you prove them wrong?

Questions to reflect upon:

  • Does user behaviour impact the cracking difficulty?
  • How does adding salt and using scrypt impact the system?

You do not need to write an answer to these questions.


TAs provide the following files:

a JSON file containing usernames and their corresponding salts and hashes with base64 encoding.
Once you have a guess, you can submit it directly to the grading server to check your answer.

Note: If you need to compute more than 3 hours for an account, then you may rethink your approach.



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